Shiv Suvarnamala Stuti | शिव सुवर्णमालास्तुतिः Composed by Adi Shankara

 Suvarnamala Stuti is a hymn of praise to Lord Shiva composed of 50 verses, composed by Adi Shankaracharya. The first half of each verse sings the glory of Lord Shiva, while the last half concerns surrender to His divine feet. Adi Shankara praised Lord Shiva as the eternally propitious God, who is the husband of Parvati, who is always peaceful and the source of all happiness. The recitation of this stotra on a regular basis meets its needs, purifies the spirit and helps to overcome the miseries of this worldly existence.

सुवर्णमालास्तुतिः Lyrics

अथ कथमपि मद्रसनां त्वद्गुणलेशैर्विशोधयामि विभो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥१॥

आखण्डलमदखण्डनपण्डित तण्डुप्रिय चण्डीश विभो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ २॥

इभचर्मांबर शंबररिपुवपुरपहरणोज्जवलनयन विभो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥३॥

ईश गिरीश नरेश परेश महेश बिलेशयभूषण भो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥४॥

उमया दिव्यसुमङ्गळविग्रहयालिङ्गितवामाङ्ग विभो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥५॥

ऊरीकुरु मामज्ञमनाथं दूरीकुरु मे दुरितं भो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥६॥

ऋषिवरमानसहंस चराचरजननस्थितिकारण भो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ७॥

ऋक्षाधीशकिरीट महोक्षारूढ विधृतरुद्राक्ष विभो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥८॥

लृवर्णद्वन्द्वमवृन्तसुकुसुममिवाङ्घ्रौ तवार्पयामि विभो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥९॥

एकं सदिति श्रुत्या त्वमेव सदसीत्युपास्महे मृड भो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥१०॥

ऐक्यं निजभक्तेभ्यो वितरसि विश्वंभरोऽत्र साक्षी भो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ११॥

ओमिति तव निर्देष्ट्री मायाऽस्माकं मृडोपकर्त्री भो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥१२॥

औदास्यं स्फुटयति विषयेषु दिगम्बरता च तवैव विभो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥१३॥

अन्तः करणविशुद्धिं भक्तिं च त्वयि सतीं प्रदेहि विभो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥१४॥

अस्तोपाधिसमस्तव्यस्तै रूपैर्जगन्मयोऽसि विभो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥१५॥

करुणावरुणालय मयि दास उदासस्तवोचितो न हि भो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥१६॥

खलसहवासं विघटय सतामेव सङ्गमनिशं भो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ १७॥

गरळं जगदुपकृतये गिलितं भवता समोऽस्ति कोऽत्र विभो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ १८॥

घनसारगौरगात्र प्रचुरजटाजूटबद्धगङ्ग विभो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥१९॥

ज्ञप्तिः सर्वशरीरेषवखण्डिता या विभाति सा त्वयि भो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ २०॥

चपलं मम हृदयकपिं विषयदुचरं दृढं बधान विभो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥२१॥

छाया स्थाणोरपि तव तापं नमतां हरत्यहो शिव भो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥२२॥

जय कैलासनिवास प्रमथगणाधीश भूसुरार्चित भो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ २३॥

झणुतकझङ्किणुझणुतत्किटतकशब्दैर्नटसि महानट भो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥२४॥

ज्ञानं विक्षेपावृतिरहितं कुरु मे गुरुस्त्वमेव विभो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥२५॥

टङ्कारस्तव धनुषो दलयति हऋदयं द्विषामशनिरिव भो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ २६॥

ठाकृतिरिव तव माया बहिरन्तः शून्यरूपिणी खलु भो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ २७॥

डंबरमंबुरुहामपि दलयत्यनघं त्वदङ्घ्रियुगळं भो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ २८॥

ढक्काक्षसूत्रशूलद्रुहिणकरोटीसमुल्लसत्कर भो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ २९॥

णाकारगर्भिणी चेच्छुभदा ते शरणगतिर्नृणामिह भो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ३०॥

तव मन्वतिसञ्जपतः सद्यस्तरति नरो हि भवाब्धिं भो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥३१

थूत्कारस्तस्य मुखे भूयात्ते नाम नास्ति यस्य विभो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ३२॥

दयनीयश्च दयाळुः कोऽस्ति मदन्यस्त्वदन्य इह वद भो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥३३॥

धर्मस्थापनदक्ष त्र्यक्ष गुरो दक्षयज्ञशिक्षक भो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥३४॥

ननु ताडीतोऽसि धनुषा लुब्धधिया त्वं पुरा नरेण विभो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ३५॥

परिमातुं तव मूर्तिं नालमजस्तत्परात्परोऽसि विभो।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ३६॥

फलमिह नृतया जनुषस्त्वत्पदसेवा सनातनेश विभो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ३७॥

बलमारोग्यं चायुस्त्वद्गुणरुचितां चिरं प्रदेहि विभो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ३८॥

भगवन भर्ग भयापह भूतपते भूतिभूषिताङ्ग विभो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ३९॥

महिमा तव नहि माति श्रुतिषु हिमानीधरात्मजाधव भो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ४०॥

यमनियमादिभिरङ्गैर्यमिनो हृदये भजन्ति स त्वं भो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ४१॥

रज्जावहिरिव शुक्तौ रजतमिव त्वयि जगन्ति भान्ति विभो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ४२॥

लब्ध्वा भवत्प्रसादाच्चक्रं विधुरवति लोकमखिलं भो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ४३॥

वसुधातद्धरतच्छयरथमौर्वीशरपराकृतासुर भो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ४४॥

शर्व देव सर्वोत्तम सर्वद दुर्वृत्तगर्वहरण विभो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ४५॥

षड्रिपुषडूर्मिषड्विकारहर सन्मुख षण्मुखजनक विभो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ४६॥

सत्यं ज्ञानमनन्तं ब्रह्मेत्येतल्लक्षणलक्षित भो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ४७॥

हाहाहूहूमुखसुरगायकगीतपदानवद्य विभो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ४८॥

ळादिर्न हि प्रयोगस्तदन्तमिह मङ्गळं सदाऽस्तु विभो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ४९॥

क्षणमिव दिवसान्नेष्य़ति त्वत्पदसेवाक्षणोत्सुकः शिव भो ।
सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥५०॥

इति श्रीमत्परमहंसपरिव्राजकाचार्यश्रीगोविन्दभगवत्पूज्यपादशिष्यस्य
श्रीशङ्करभगवतः कृतौ सुवर्णमालास्तुतिः संपूर्णा॥

Suvarnamala Stuti Meaning:

1) O Lord, I shall, even though with difficulty, purify my tongue by praising a few of Your noble qualities,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

2) O Lord, Who is an expert in humiliating the pride of Indra (God of Heaven), Who is fond of Tandu (One of the attendants of Lord Shiva, to whom He taught a new style of dancing, named Tandava), and Consort of Chandi (Combined form of Lakshmi, Saraswati and Durga; the ferocious form of Goddess Parvati),
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

3) O Lord, Who wears elephant hides as dress, Who is endowed with bright eyes that destroyed the body of the enemy of Shambara (Cupid),
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

4) O Lord, Who is the Lord of the mountain, the Lord of men, and the Supreme Lord who wears serpents as His ornaments,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

5) O Lord, Whose left limbs are in the pose of embracing Uma (Parvati), the divinely auspicious form,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

6) O Lord! Please accept me, the dullard and orphan, as Yours and drive away my sufferings,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

7) O Lord, Who dwells in the minds of great seers, Who is the cause of creation, sustenance and dissolution of all beings,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

8) O Lord, Who wears crescent moon as a jewel on the crown of His matted locks, Who has a bull as His mount, and Who wears the garland of Rudraksha beads,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

9) O Lord, I offer at Your feet, my two eyes as an offering of flowers,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

10) O Gracious Lord, I worship You alone as You are ever existent,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

11) O Lord, You bestow on Your devotees Oneness with You, You sustain this Universe, and You are the witness (consciousness) in everyone,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

12) O Lord, the Pranava (Omkara) which is an indicator of You and which is beyond transcending Maya, is helpful in my understanding of You, O the compassionate One!
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

13) O Lord, the fact that You do not have any dress (have directions as Your clothes) only discloses Your detachment to the things of the world,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

14) O Lord, may Your consort (Sati) bestow on me purity of mind and steadfast devotion to You,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

15) O Lord, You are in the form of this vast Universe both collectively and individually without even any adventitious condition,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

16) O Lord, You are the ocean of Compassion, and to You it is not proper to be indifferent to me who is Your slave,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

17) O Lord, please keep me away from the company of the wicked, and enable me to associate myself only with the good souls,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

18) O Lord, who is here equal to You Who drank the poison to protect the world from being destroyed?
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

19) O Lord, Whose body is white like camphor, and Who has fastened the river Ganga in His massive hair-locks,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

20) O Lord, You are the one unitary knowledge which shines in all bodies,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

21) O Lord, bind fast my fickle mind which is like a monkey hopping in the tree of worldly pleasures,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

22) O Lord, the shadow of Shanu (fossilized tree trunk) removes the worldly sorrow of those who bow to You,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

23) O Lord, Victory to You Who lives in Kailasha, Who is the Lord of Pramathaganas (attendants), and the One Who is worshipped by Brahmins,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

24) O Lord, You are the great dancer who dances making the sounds “jhanu, taka, jhankinu, jhanu, tatkita, taka”,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

25) O Lord, You alone are my Preceptor. Please give me that knowledge which is free from projection of the false and concealment of the truth,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

26) O Lord, the sound of the bow of Your Trident (Trisul), which is like the thunderbolt, breaks the heart of Your enemies,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

27) O Lord, Your Maya (illusion) is like a cypher, empty both in and out,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

28) O Lord, Your pure pair of feet excels the fame of the red lotus,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

29) O Lord, Who holds the tiny drum, the Garland of rosary, the Trident and Brahmakapala in Your hands,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

30) O Lord, if the arrows of Yours is not discharged and kept only in “na” shaped quiver, it is only for the good of the people,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

31) O Lord, the man who chants Your mantra, at once, crosses the ocean of worldly existence,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

32) O Lord, disgust upon him who does not utter Your name,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

34) O Lord, who is there other than me who is a supplicant? And, who is there other than You who is compassionate? Please tell me.
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

35) O Lord, Who has the power and efficacy to sustain Dharma, Who has three eyes, Who is the Guru, and Who is the destroyer of Daksha’s sacrifice,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

36) O Lord, You were struck, in days of Yore, by a man (Arjuna) out of greed with his bow,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

37) O Lord, neither Brahma nor Vishnu is able to measure Your form, You are far beyond Their reach,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

38) O Eternal Lord, service to Your feet is the reward of human birth,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

39) O Lord, please give me long-lasting strength, health and long life, and a mind attracted to Your great qualities,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

40) O Lord Bharga (Sun), You are the destroyer of sins and remover of fear, the Lord of Bhuta-Ganas (Shiva’s attendants), and Your limbs are smeared with holy ashes,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

41) O Lord, the Consort of Parvati (the daughter of Himalaya), Your greatness has not been measured by the Vedas,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

42) O Lord, You are meditated upon by the Yogis in their minds by following the Yogic methods of yama and niyama,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

44) O Lord, as serpent appears in the place of a rope, and as silver appears in the place of a shell, the world merely appears as an entity in You (the world is only an appearance (illusion), the ultimate reality being Brahman),
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

45) O Lord, by Your grace alone, Lord Vishnu obtained the discus (chakra) to protect the world,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

46) O Lord, having had the Earth, Adishesha, and Vishnu serve as chariot, bow and arrow respectively, You have defeated the demons,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

47) O Lord, Who is the destroyer, the foremost among the Gods, and all-bestowing, please destroy the pride of those with evil character,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

48) O Lord, Who removes the six enemies (desire, anger, greed, lust, pride & jealousy) , the six waves of sensations (thirst, hunger, grief, infatuation, old age & death) and the six changes of life (existence, birth, growth, maturity, decay & death), Who is the father of six-faced Kartikeya (Subrahmanya), and Whose essence is eternity,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

49) O Lord, Who is Brahman characterized by truth, knowledge, and infinity,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

50) O the blemishless Lord, Whose greatness is praised in songs by Ghandharvas headed by Haha and Huhu,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

There is no usage in language of a word beginning with ‘la’, but the word ending in ‘la’ viz. mangala (auspiciousness) be for all.
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

O Lord, may the person who is anxious to worship Your feet spends many days as a moment,
O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.

Thus ends the hymn ‘Golden-Garland’ composed by Adi Shankaracharya


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